Too Embarrassed To Ask: what is a Ponzi scheme?
Application of the Hearsay Evidence Rule in Debt Collection ‘Hearsay’ as we know is just what it means; what we hear someone else say or what is heard by someone…

Too Embarrassed to Ask: what is dogecoin?
Managing Debt Tips – How To Gradually Get Out Of Debt Are you heavily in debt right now? Are you desperate to get out of debt? Relax, take a deep…

Too Embarrassed To Ask: what is an ETF?
What Are Managed Discretionary Accounts And Why Are They Necessary? Companies and individuals looking for assistance with managing an investment portfolio can open managed discretionary accounts. It provides greater freedom…

Too Embarrassed To Ask: what is a hedge fund?
Four Ways to Save Money on Your Heating Bills Heating bills can eat away at your monthly budget, particularly during the colder months. However, there are a few things that…

Too Embarrassed To Ask: What is a CAPE Ratio?
Second Rule for Money: Live Debt Free This is a follow up to my previous article “First Rule for Money: Save.” In this article I discuss debt and offer advice…

Too Embarrassed To Ask: what is value investing?
How To Deal With Debt Collectors Abuse Most debt collectors are pretty much like you and me. They just have unpleasant jobs. However, there are some really nasty types who…

Too Embarrassed To Ask: what is bitcoin?
Get Trained From a Reputed Investor Education Agency Owing to the technological progress, stock trading has become very easy these days. With such facility on hand, the online trading has…

Too Embarrassed to Ask: what are negative interest rates?
Managing Your Student Loans According to a March 2012 study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the average outstanding student loan balance per borrower is $23,300; a quarter…

Too Embarrassed To Ask: what is a stock split?
Top 25 Debt Collection Violations The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) has been around for almost 35 years. The FDCPA is a federal law that applies to every state….

Too Embarrassed To Ask: what is a tracker fund?
Why Debt Collection Calls Top the List of Consumer Complaints The bad players in the debt collection industry routinely cross the line into illegal and unethical behavior, violating the Fair…